Dr. Irena Ateljević


When Sustainability
Is No Longer

Keynote | Workshop by:

Irena Ateljević, Ph.D.

Enter the inspiring world of Dr. Irena Ateljević - or simply 'Irena' to the many students, collaborators, and friends whose lives she's touched.In her roles as a mother, sister, daughter, distinguished scholar, social entrepreneur, and policy consultant, Irena has devoted her life to studying, teaching, and embodying ways of living and acting in harmony with our planet and the wealth of life it nurtures.Her keynote and accompanying workshop, Regeneration: When Sustainability Is No Longer Sustainable, encapsulate insights and learnings from her personal transformative journey as a tenured professor turned social entrepreneur and community builder. Through case studies and practical examples, Irena unpacks the "conventional" sustainability narrative, and argues for a more potent, holistic, and necessary approach that seeks to rejuvenate, renew, and restore our world: Regeneration.Drawing inspiration from the enduring wisdom of nature and her own lived experience, Irena designed the keynote and workshop to be a living organism, alive with relevance, ever-evolving and adapting to the needs of a broad range of audiences, from educational institutions to business organizations.

Join Irena in this thought-provoking and vital discourse and begin your own transformative journey to regeneration today.

Regenerate Workshop
Dr. Irena Ateljević



While Irena's focus as a keynote speaker is conveying information in an engaging way and inspiring critical reflection on key themes and perspectives, as a workshop facilitator she focuses on creating an environment of active learning, where participants can delve into these concepts more intimately and apply their understanding in practical contexts.Every keynote and workshop is custom-tailored to meet the unique needs and interests of each audience, ensuring that the material is relevant, engaging, and ultimately valuable. The outline below represents a selection of past content.

a brief exercise to get a sense of the participants' current understanding of sustainability
Sustainability vs Regeneration
presentation and discussion of the differences between the two concepts
Personal Transformation and The Story of Terra Meera
introduction to the lecturer's personal journey: leaving a lucrative academic position to build a center for regeneration in an area devastated by war
explore how personal transformation is tied to the process of regeneration
Interactive Session
Reflections and Insights on the ways we can implement personal regeneration

deep dive into how current societal norms and lifestyles contribute to personal and environmental degeneration
discussion on the environmental impact of consumption, waste, and technological advancement
Personal Impact Assessment
participants analyze their own lifestyles in smaller groups, discussing their personal environmental impact
The Regenerative Lifestyle, Deep Ecology & Regeneration
the Work of Arne Naess and Shifting from Anthropocentrism to Ecocentrism
Discussion: Reflections on our relationships with nature and how deep ecology principles can contribute to regeneration efforts
Presentation: Alternative lifestyle practices that align with the principles of regenerationWorkshop: Personal Regeneration Plan
participants develop a personal regeneration plan, outlining the steps they can take to align their lifestyles with regenerative principles

The intersection of deep ecology, regeneration, and activism in Shiva and Macy’s works, including an introduction to the concept of systems thinking
Analyzing Case Studies of successful regenerative initiatives worldwide
identifying the key factors that contributed to their success
Regenerative Strategies
participants work in smaller groups to brainstorm regenerative strategies for various local, regional, and global initiatives



Holding a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, Irena devoted almost two decades to teaching at Auckland University of Technology and Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, as well as Wageningen University in the Netherlands.Throughout her academic tenure, she was actively involved in global research and served as a senior policy adviser. Irena spearheaded social projects in Auroville, South India, led a multidisciplinary team of scholars in a collaborative study of the tourism-identity nexus in Yunnan Province, China, examined the transformative role of tourism across Europe under the guidance of the UN World Tourism Organization, and developed a program of sustainable tourism policies and strategies for the Republic of Croatia.Determined to bring theory into action, Dr. Ateljević transitioned from academia in 2011 to champion successful social-entrepreneurship projects such as Terra Meera, a hub for regeneration and human potential, Regenerate Europe, a multisectoral platform promoting the pan-European regeneration movement, SHE - Sibenik Hub for Ecology, a women-empowered initiative emphasizing local organic farming and the establishment of a seed bank, and Phoenix Arbor, a center for human development and innovative action.A living example of the transformative power of applied regenerative methodologies, Irena continues to educate, inspire, and spark personal transformation in others through her insightful keynotes and workshops.Sign up for Irena's keynote or workshop today.

Dr. Irena Ateljević
Dr. Irena Ateljević


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